• 22 мая 2018, вторник
  • Москва, Myasnitskaya 9/11, room 428

ECOCUP. A film show

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2156 дней назад
с 18:30 22 мая до 20:30 24 мая 2018
Myasnitskaya 9/11, room 428

The films will be shown in their original language with Russian subtitles. However, the discussion will be held in English on May 22, and in Russian on May 24. Never miss an opportunity to dive into environmental problems and find their solutions via consuming unique art!

May 22 18:30-20:30

Dead Donkeys Fear No Hyenas (Joakim Demmer, Germany, 2017)

Farmland — the new green gold. Hoping for export revenues, Ethiopia’s government leases
millions of hectares of farmland to foreign investors. But the dream of prosperity has a dark side
where the World Bank plays a very questionable role… Dead Donkeys Fear No Hyenas
investigates land grabbing and its impact on people’s lives. Pursuing the truth, we meet investors,
development bureaucrats, persecuted journalists, struggling environmentalists and evicted
farmers deprived of their land.

May 24 18:30-20:30

From the Depths (Valentina Pedicini, Italy, 2013)

A subdued, fascinating descent into the last coal mine in Italy and the lives of the miners, including a woman. Slowly the camera drops to 500 meters (1,640 feet) below the surface, while the woman reminiscences in voice-over about the first time she went down. “This is our world. This is your home,” her father said at the time. There are a few of these more or less staged moments in this portrait of a dangerous, unhealthy and poorly-paid vocation. Most of the time, however, the film crew behaves like a fly on the wall. The viewer gets its information from the mutual discussions or press conferences during a strike. For a long time there have been talks of closure, and some employees are in favor of that themselves. “Coal is an old story,” muses the female mine worker, the only woman in a male-dominated world. One of the sporadic scenes shot aboveground emphasizes this fact, as we see that the mine overlooks a large wind farm. From the Depths captures the hard work itself as well as the camaraderie among the miners. The fear that their toil will ever be forgotten is allayed by this beautiful film.


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